Important Notice: Effective April 1, 2020, Business Services will no longer accept internal forms with a revision date prior to 2020. All filings received must only be submitted via Online Services or by paper form as prescribed by the Office of the Secretary of State.

Effective April 1, 2020, Business Services will no longer accept internal forms with a revision date prior to 2020. All filings received must only be submitted via Online Services or by paper form as prescribed by the Office of the Secretary of State.Attention:All...
State Fossil

State Fossil

Studying the past in New Mexico has always resulted in rich finds about early human history and information about those species which were here millions of years before.  One of these early species was the Coelophysis (see-low-FYS-iss), an early Triassic dinosaur...

State Grass

Blue Grama (Bouteloua gracilis)The Blue Grama (Bouteloua gracilis) is one of the more widespread species of grass in New Mexico occurring in all 33 counties.  This perennial grass is a warm season grass and is without doubt the most valuable forage grass in the...

State Gem

Turquoise set in silver Hundreds of years before the Spanish explorers arrived, the Indians were mining and fashioning ornaments out of this gemstone in combination with shell and coral from the California coast they acquired in trading with other tribes.Chemically,...